Fire Sprinkler Systems

Home fire sprinkler systems are designed to:

  1. Activate quickly once the operating temperature is reached
  2. Discharge water only from the sprinkler that is activated by fire
  3. Discharge water at a rate of 50 litres to 100 litres per minute when activated
  4. Prevent fire within the home becoming a threat to life.
  5. Allow you and other occupants of your home to escape from the fire.
  6. In the case of combined systems, uses the same water for fire suppression that comes into the home for normal living use.
  7. Automatically extinguish or control a fire within a sprinkler – protected room.

Home fire sprinkler systems are not designed to:

  1. Provide early warning to the occupants by means of a water flow alarm (in some cases, it will be possible to provide such an alarm, which may be linked into a home security system).  For this reason, smoke alarms are an integral part of the total life safety system within the home.
  2. Automatically notify the fire service.
  3. In the case of combined systems, be shut off or shut down separately from the normal domestic water supply.
  4. Automatically shut the sprinkler water flow off after activation.
  5. Fully control or extinguish a fire –
    1. which originates in an non-sprinkler protected area before spreading to a sprinkler protected area;
    2. where combustible material is not the amount or type of material normally found in a home;
    3. where unauthorized changes have been made to the plumbing system after installation; or
    4. when the fire starts under an obstruction such as a desk or work bench.

Areas not covered by the sprinkler system (as per Australian Standards AS2118.5-2008)

  1. Unattached garages (unless used for sleeping)
  2. Toilets and bathrooms
  3. Wardrobes
  4. Subfloor area
  5. Ceiling void

This does not mean that sprinklers cannot be fitted into these areas, if required, it would provide additional fire protection.